10 tough truths about leadership that hardly someone notices

You must heard of a great saying every truth is bitter. You also must heard of that, Leadership is a good quality. So today I am going to tell you a bitter truth about  the leadership.

1. It’s all about politics-

To succeed at work and in life, you have must know to play master politics.
“Whether we want our boss to give us a raise, our child to stop squirming on the airplane, or the department store to take back our purchase when we don’t have a receipt, every single interaction involves influencing and persuading others in order to get what we want,” says Maloney.
Great leaders understand the importance of persuasion and that, in addition to a great work ethic; you also have to have the “ability to have relatable, effective, and influential relationships.”

2. Success makes you unpopular

When you’re a leader-in-progress, you will have people supporting you, be it your boss or colleagues. However, once you start achieving the expectations that these people have, you’ll be less liked.
Maloney says that to be a great leader, you need to have a “strong will and an even stronger stomach.” At the end of the day, you need to remind yourself that your job isn’t to make everyone happy, but rather to improve the organization as a whole.

3. You are not as interesting to other as you are to yourself

Everyone thinks they’re interesting, but great leaders know their stories aren’t as interesting to other people as they are to themselves. That’s why they keep the focus on the other person.
“They keep their stories short, their complaints even shorter,” writes Maloney. “They don’t send long emails or memos that go on for pages. They leave the other person wanting more. When you turn your attention on the other person, they will inevitably share more about themselves with you, and when this happens, a bond is formed. That’s how you get people to trust you.

4. Everyone is afraid

No matter how confident someone may seem, everyone is afraid of failing.
“We are afraid of screwing up,” says Maloney. “We are afraid of looking stupid.”
But great leaders are successful because they act in the face of fear. They go after what they believe, seek change, and ultimately, make a difference.

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