Memories for me by Payioo


#Payioo came into beta testing phase when university semester exams were going on but the dedication for the launch of this app was there.

I still remember that when Mr. Paritosh Vatsal Tripathi (#Paritosh sir) texted me up and said that the app would be soon out for beta  testing and we as the members of E-Cell NIET are the members of testing team for #Payioo and the very next day when I was leaving for my exam and he said come after that transactions are happening. After I was back I went to Incubator there I found Mr. Hitesh Goel (#Hitesh sir) who showed me how the transactions are happening.

After two days of all this. I got a call from Paritosh sir asking me to come to canteen and test the app and the app showing awesome behavior also on “Aircel 2g” is truly commendable by the developer team. The transactions happening in only 36 seconds including the receiving of OTP and the transaction authentication.

On a very serious note I would like to say that the time I spent there was simply awesome. Seeing sir talk to people promoting #Payioo and asking students to go Digital whereas I was testing the layout of the app, finding the glitch,processing errors etc. standing there with sir for hours. The night when Aman, “Abhishek and company”were all there and we talked about the memories of the college hostel are truly cherishable.

Getting a mail from Paritosh sir at 4am about all the errors are fixed and still I could find a small error was the time, and testing the app on NIL balance and still I was  able to find some bugs there in it. It just feels awesome to be there working with the team, knowing your capabilities, your opinions being considered and getting complemented for your work.

A heartfelt thanks to the team for doing such a great work.



Hello readers … here i am again with some interesting facts and relation between entrepreneur and blogging. When you’re running a startup, it’s daunting to think of taking more than fifteen minutes a month to write a blog. Because Companies that blog get 97% more links to their website so how do you make sure you’re sharing quality blog content. Here are my views for that :

1.  Set a schedule.

It can be a saturday evening or a sunday morning , plan a blog post and then, no matter what it takes, get a post out on those days. A schedule keeps you on track and gives your customers something to look forward to each week, weekends will give you plenty time to think.

2. Create a content calendar.

Using Excel, Word, or online software, create an easy-to-use calendar filled with blog categories, topics, and keywords. Keep your industry centre of attraction. Like, if you work in social media, blog categories could include: social platforms, news, content creation, graphic design, and advertising. Your blog should be simple to come up and on a rotational basis.

3. Keep it short.

We all know the fact, “Long isn’t always better”. Posts at 500 words or less can still provide great opportunities for SEO and can be quicker and easier to write.

4. Use guest bloggers.

Its an era of team work,no one said you had to write every post. In fact, some of the most successful blog posts are from guest contributors. You got a friend?Ask her to write a contribution for you. Ask your satisfied costumers to share their experiences on your blog. You can even get your employees to write weekly posts.

5. Create a blog series.

Blog series focus on a single topic over the span of multiple posts. Series are great for those topics that would take a 4,000-word blog to cover appropriately. Don’t write it all at once, split it up.

6. Let images speak for you.

A picture says a thousand words and improves your blog’s look. Never underestimate the power of a well-chosen image to help inform your writing. Great images can help make up for lacking content.

7. Don’t forget SEO.

Make sure every blog post you write uses keywords in the title, within the meta description, and within the body of your blog. Don’t waste your time on posts that won’t drive traffic and optimize your search engine placement. Keep your objective in mind.

8. Read other blogs.

Learn and learn .. never stop. Blogs are a great source of inspiration when you’re struggling with new ideas. See what your competitors and industry experts are talking about, and then figure out how your blog can contribute to the conversation.

9.  Spell and grammar check.

Nothing will kill your credibility faster than inappropriate spelling and grammar. Your blog is meant to illustrate your expertise, don’t let their, there, they’re take that away.

10. Have fun.

Croud gets attraction on interesting things .. be it food or your blog, fun is the most important aspect. You don’t always need to be serious. The blog is your company’s opportunity to reveal the heart behind the corporation. Be goofy. Go off topic. Try something new.

Blogging can be time consuming and challenging when you’re just starting out, but the more you write, the easier it will be.

Student Startup: Why College Is the Perfect Time to Launch a Business

With college students stressing about
exams, scrapping pennies to buy their
weekly supply of Maggi noodles and
pulling all-nighters at the library, (while
also trying to squeeze in a social life),
starting a company may be the last
thing on their minds. But it shouldn’t


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So You Want to Be Your Own Boss…

If you want to start a business but
don’t know where to start, don’t
worry–you are not alone. In fact, given
the new economic reality of our time,
more people than ever before have
found the “job” they thought was
waiting for them doesn’t exist. Others
have come to the conclusion that they
would rather create work they love,
constructed to fit with their own life
goals. No matter what the motivation
is to be your own boss, you can start


Here are tips to Get You Started:
Take a Stand for Yourself
If you are dissatisfied with
your current
circumstances, admit that
no one can fix them
except for you. It doesn’t
do any good to blame the
economy, your boss, your
spouse or your family.
Change can only occur
when you make a
conscious decision to
make it happen.

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