Rookie Entrepreneur:Common mistakes and how to overcome them

There are new entrepreneurs every
year, and a lot of them are making the
same mistakes. Running a new
business is a daunting challenge, but if
you’ve already taken it on you should
want to do it right. Here are common
errors a rookie entrepreneur makes in
the beginning, when mistakes hurt the
Don’t Sink All Your Savings
Into Your New Business

Rookie entrepreneurs shouldn’t think
that they have to spend big to make it
big. The $100 Startup by Chris
Guillebeau is a great book that
documents entrepreneurs who
invested a hundred bucks or less to
launch their business. Heed its advice
by not assuming that you need a huge
influx of cash in order to make your
business a success. For example, a
retail store is a huge risk, costing
thousands of dollars just to open. It’s a
much safer better to sell online at first
and work your way up.

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