Startups dish out multi- crore salaries with the tools of TALENT !

Hii readers ! here we meet again. Today we are going to talk about the human talent that has turned the startups other way round . A few startups which are hardly few  year old are playing in crores nowdays and the reason is the extra vigilant and smart minds acting behind it.

A crunch of leadership talent is pushing salaries in the startup space skyhigh, with headhunters and companies talking in terms of multi-crore packages that include a major portion in stocks.

“Salaries for top talent at startups have doubled and in some cases even trebled in the last 18 months,” said Sunit Mehra, founder and managing partner, Hunt Partners. Most of these salaries that have gone up from Rs 70 lakh to Rs 1.5 crore to Rs 2-4 crore were pushed up by the cash component alone, he said.
In one such recent appointment, InMobi in August hired an executive in a director-level position from a leading American technology multinational. Other examples include Snapdeal picking up the head of technology from a California-based computer software company, Paytm hiring a former Amazon India executive to head one of its business units and Flipkart hiring from a leading US-based technology major for a leadership position., which has been around for over half-a-dozen years, has recently started dishing out ESOPs to critical talent. Group chief marketing officer Naveen Kukreja, who is also the managing director of, said: “This is a retention tool as the war for key talent is getting fiercer by the day. We have recently started using ESOPs as a retention tool.”
BlueStone, an online jewellery retailer, recently started offering multi-crore salaries to attract and retain talent at leadership roles. “Till about a year or so, we were not paying a multi-crore salary to anyone in the company. But now, we are paying multiple people salaries of this amount,” said CEO and founder Gaurav Singh Kushwaha. “This is in addition to the ESOPs. It’s for the key positions at leadership levels. We are ready to pay whatever it takes to acquire talent.”

-: “The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future ” , J M Keynes.

Secrets revealed: How an entrepreneur thinks

There’s something special about successful entrepreneurs–they have a way of thinking and acting that is different than most people. The good news is that anyone can learn to think like an entrepreneur, and to put these powerful secrets to work in their own lives, no matter what they do.



Choose your mind-set

You’re the one who decides the attitudes and assumptions you will carry with you through your life, and you’re the one who can change them. If your mind-set–and the work you’re doing–isn’t taking you where you want to go, then change it. Refuse to just settle for life and circumstances as they are, when you know you want better. As Steve Jobs once said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

Be determined

Being determined isn’t just having the strength, fortitude, and persistence to move forward against the odds, but it’s also being strategically prepared for the battle. When you are determined, you are positioned to be firm in your decisions and you are ready to do the hard work required to win in whatever you do. As venture capitalist Paul Graham pointed out, “The most important quality in an entrepreneur [is] not intelligence but determination.”

Build a solid relationship bridge

Business is all about relationships, and building strong relationships is a pathway to success in both business and life. Says Taulbert, “The ability to build strong relationships is crucial for survival and growth. Successful entrepreneurs are adept at building relationships.” And, they are skilled at keeping and growing them over the long run.

Slow down to lead

Business is moving faster than ever, but great leadership means slowing down to take time to focus on doing the things that are most important to your success. Specifically, it means recognizing and valuing the people who you will encounter in your business and personal life, and bringing them along with you on your journey. You have much to learn from others, just as they can learn a lot from you. As Richard Branson put it, “Other people have ideas also.”

Know your business “health” metrics

Despite the popular image the entrepreneur who achieves great things simply through the force of their charisma, or who win flying by the seat of their pants, this is picture is not accurate at all. The most successful businesspeople know exactly what makes their organizations tick, and they keep a very close eye on the metrics–making fast corrections when necessary.

Be prepared to swim upstream

No one ever said that finding success in business and life was going to be easy, and frankly, it’s not. There may be times when you can go with the flow, but often you’ll find that you’ve got to swim upstream–against the current–to make great things happen. Not only that, but you may have to change direction many times throughout your life–changing strategies, jobs, and even lives. Never quit, keep fighting. As Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Resolve to succeed

Know that you can succeed (you can!), and then put all of your energy into it. Once we resolve ourselves–truly resolve ourselves–to achieving something, then nothing can stop us. Understand this secret, and you will find the success

“Your business,Your rules” . Really?

Hello readers ! So here we meet again.Recently i was doing a research on some traits or the lifestyle of the successful entrepreneurs. And what i observed was that being an entreprenuer is not everyone’s cup of tea.Its not for the faint hearts , but it does depend upon the amzing opportunities  to run with your ideas and see if they will actually work. It is a way to bring your passion to life as you help make people’s lives better.

Have the courage to follow your heart and intutions.They somehow know what you truly want to become.

Launching your own business can be the most exhilarating, mind-boggling, mind-blowing, happy, frustrating and profitable adventure of you life.It does not always go as you want it be. But as we know all roads that lead to success have to pass through a hard work boulevard at some point, because dreams do not work until you do.

Hence there are some heart-throbbing , hard-to-swallow facts that most entrepreneurs experience throughout their incredible journeys-:

  • “i will learn from my mistakes ” becomes your mantra.
  •  You are in constant jeopardy of losing it all.
  • There are times when you forget when the last time was you actually paid yourself.
  •  Your first try at launching your product or service will most likely fall short or even fail completely.
  • You have to learn quickly to surround yourself with supportive people–not negative–and in some cases this means firing a friend or family member.
  • You have to quickly acquire the skill of asking for what you want
  • Those friends who remain in their 9-to-5 jobs will never really understand that you really are working.
  •  If things go well, you will one day come to the realization that you can’t do it all yourself and you have to let go of some control.
  •  Every day there are more decisions to be made than you possibly have time for.
  • You have to quickly acquire the skill of asking for what you want.
  •  You become the jack-of-all-trades in your business.


Most of you having an startup might agree with me. But friends this is how gems are built.Its the things we work hardest , rewards the most.

So keep learning, keep working and remember ,the only way to do great work is to love what you do.


Think you are ready to launch? Answer these questions first

There’s nothing quite like
the feeling of creating a product and
getting it ready to be launched. After
countless hours of work, all of that
effort is about to pay off in a big way.
Or so you think.
Before you get too carried away with
excitement, it’s important to slow
down, take a deep breath and make
sure that you’re actually ready to
launch. One way to do that is to ask
yourself the following questions
that should be a part of every tech-
entrepreneur’s launch checklist.

Continue reading

Why being an entrepreneur is harder than running an industry

Escaping the corporate world and becoming an entrepreneur is certainly an attractive proposition for anyone who relishes the idea of being their own boss, but before taking this plunge, it’s important to acknowledge just how hard it can be to launch a successful startup.

Running your own business today is so difficult, in fact, that some have compared it to managing one of the top firms.

Being an entrepreneur is tougher than running an Industry, its like a own boss-own servant relationship.

The first practical advice one can take even considering pursuing a career as an entrepreneur is to take a long, hard look at your finances to see whether you can afford to invest heavily in your business while earning little or no income.

“As the founder of a start-up, it’s not about how much cash you can make, but how little you can make and for how long. Firstly, that cash can help the business to be successful; and, secondly, if you are going to be successful, the value of that dollar working in the start-up is worth massively more than in your bank account. So before you make the switch, do the math and shore up the bank account.”

Another consideration highlights involves doing some introspective research. Before jumping headfirst into entrepreneurship, it’s important to question your true motivations for doing so. Is it your passion for creating something out of nothing that’s driving you, or the “idealized portrait” of life as an entrepreneur?

Even if you are financially prepared to start your company, and you feel you’re doing it for all the right reasons, it’s safe to assume that, to some degree, you will fail. The silver lining is that all entrepreneurs fail at one point or another.

“It’s just a matter of what you fail at and how quickly you recover, and at times you will be rejected; it’s just a matter of getting past the rejections.”