pitch deck !!

Yes, E-Cell team of organising an event for the PITCH DECKING of the ideas of its students.


Yup!! the answer given to the question asked in above poster is can be the answer which could lead you somewhere you din’t have imagined.

Realising the need of answer for its students, N.I.E.T, along with its E-Cell team, is providing the platform for its whole family, which include staff, management, students, everyone who is associated with N.I.E.T to inculcate the answers if you have idea.


Often what happens is, people do not get the proper surrounding, environment for the working, and to generate something which could lead to a revolution in the existence of humanity. 

So, everybody coming up with the idea in the camp would be provided with the informal environment where they can work freely as they think is the best way to work.



Realising that, only environment is not enough, proper guidance is also required to bring out the energy in the positive direction, its been also decided to provide the Mentoring facility for everyone so that they can create the proper PITCH DECK for themselves.

Tour de table - Deuxième session de travail


Reasons to Ditch the Corporate World for a Career at a Startup

Although a career in the corporate
world has plenty of benefits, working
for an established company can
sometimes result in a mundane 9 to 5
with little room for growth and a lot of
bureaucratic red tape.
This is why so many people are
attracted to the startup life. While it
can be a roller coaster of a ride,
working on the ground floor of a new
company can allow people to shine,
“own” projects and possibly reap the
benefits of the company’s success in
the form of equity, while
simultaneously learning a lot in a fast-
paced environment.
Need more convincing? Here are seven
great things about working for a

->Getting recognition: No matter which
way you slice the corporation cake,
working for a larger company pretty
much means your work will likely go
unrecognized for the majority of the
time. This is especially true if you’re in
an entry-level position.
On the other hand, working for a
startup means you’ll receive instant
recognition because everybody,
including the company itself, is
working in an entry-level position. In
other words, the work you do at a
startup is helping to build the
company, which means your elbow
grease won’t go unnoticed.

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