A proverb

One proverb that every startup should keep in mind is

“Hope for the best but, be prepared for the worst”.

Yes,  You should have a positive attitude, but make sure you are ready for any kind of disaster.


This belief will give the moral boost to carry on with efforts. Only hard and incessant efforts will lead to success.

Sometimes, despite all our efforts it happens that we don’t succeed. If such a thing happens, we should be prepared to accept it. We should remember that defeat is yet another step to success. Our next endeavor may succeed.


The good thing about positive thinking or more accurately, having a positive attitude, is that it’s less stressful to you, it is a much better way to interact with people, and your actions become more focused on what needs to be accomplished.

And ,we all know that how important this attitude is in this world of creativity and inventions. Don’t we??