Memories for me by Payioo


#Payioo came into beta testing phase when university semester exams were going on but the dedication for the launch of this app was there.

I still remember that when Mr. Paritosh Vatsal Tripathi (#Paritosh sir) texted me up and said that the app would be soon out for beta  testing and we as the members of E-Cell NIET are the members of testing team for #Payioo and the very next day when I was leaving for my exam and he said come after that transactions are happening. After I was back I went to Incubator there I found Mr. Hitesh Goel (#Hitesh sir) who showed me how the transactions are happening.

After two days of all this. I got a call from Paritosh sir asking me to come to canteen and test the app and the app showing awesome behavior also on “Aircel 2g” is truly commendable by the developer team. The transactions happening in only 36 seconds including the receiving of OTP and the transaction authentication.

On a very serious note I would like to say that the time I spent there was simply awesome. Seeing sir talk to people promoting #Payioo and asking students to go Digital whereas I was testing the layout of the app, finding the glitch,processing errors etc. standing there with sir for hours. The night when Aman, “Abhishek and company”were all there and we talked about the memories of the college hostel are truly cherishable.

Getting a mail from Paritosh sir at 4am about all the errors are fixed and still I could find a small error was the time, and testing the app on NIL balance and still I was  able to find some bugs there in it. It just feels awesome to be there working with the team, knowing your capabilities, your opinions being considered and getting complemented for your work.

A heartfelt thanks to the team for doing such a great work.



Why is Blogging Important for Business


New to blogging for your business? Or maybe you have tried to blog before but saw no results? Either way, surely you have heard that blogging can be an effective, arguably the most effective tool, to increase website traffic, generate leads and develop long-lasting, happy customers. But blogging enthusiasts often forget to answer a critical question: why is blogging important for my business… they just say that it is.

Let’s start with the most important insights and steps you need to know to create a powerful blog. In a few short paragraphs you will fully understand why blogging is important for business and how to do it yourself.

Insight 1: Your blog is not about you, its about the problems your ideal customers want to solve.

Many businesses get a big, fat “F” when creating their first business blog. Why? Because they blog about themselves, not their ideal customers.

We expand this concept in more depth in our digital marketing strategy and inbound marketing blogs, but to elegantly summarize:

Unfortunately, your customers don’t really care about your business, they care about solving their own problems and answering their own questions. Plain and simple.

An effective business blog is not a news feed about your company. If you would like to share news about your company, start a news feed or a newsletter, do not post it on your blog.

A blog is a place to share insights about your industry and the solutions your general products or services can provide to your ideal customers.

Step 1: Understand what your ideal customers’ problems and questions are, and how your business provides solutions.

Insight 2: There are millions of people searching for your products and services all the time. Make sure they find you.

Getting your website found really comes down to one word: Google.

It’s Google’s job to offer you the best content on the internet in relation to your search terms. If you want to rank highly in search results, you need to make it easy for Google to do their job.

First, Google needs to figure out the intention/goal of the search to provide the searcher with relevant content.

Is the searcher looking for a guide, an article, a comparison, a product? Google can deduce this by the way a searcher asks a question.

For example, if you search for “Why is blogging important for Business”, Google may infer you are looking to read an article about that question. If you search for “How to start a Business Blog”, you’re probably looking for a guide or tips about blogging. If you search for “Hire a Business Blogger”, you’re looking to pay someone to blog for you. Google knows what type of content you are looking for by inferring intention through search terms.

Second, based on the intention, Google wants to provide the searcher with the best websites on the internet with relevant content.

So hows does Google decide which website is best? There are many factors, but the two big ones are: relevancy and authority.

Relevancy: how closely does the content of a web page match the exact query of the searcher.

Example: If someone searches for, “How to start a Business Blog”, and your page is titled, “How to start a Business Blog”, and the article contains a how-to guide about starting a business blog, Google can confidently display your site as relevant to the intention of the search.

Authority: the rating Google has assigned to your website based on overall quality.

This rating consists of many factors: website design, ease of navigation, inbound links, and much more. For the purposes of this article about the importance of blogging, we will focus on one factor: “Pages Indexed”.

In a nutshell, the more pages you have on your website, the more authority your website receives. And guess what? Every blog post counts as a different page. So each time you publish an article, Google adds another page on your site index and bumps up your rating. Awesome.

Step 2: Take the top questions your ideal customers have and write articles that directly answer them. These questions are your keywords, atoledo and they should be long and targeted (learn more about creating a keyword strategy here). Once you have that down, blog as much as possible.

Insight 3: Give your blog readers a reason to deepen their relationship with your company.

So you’re now a master at identifying your ideal customers, understanding their problems and how they try to solve them online, and writing targeted articles that provide them direct, relevant value. So what now?

Just getting visitors to your website does not directly translate into more business. Because of this, your boss is going to start grilling you about why the time you spend blogging is valuable. And to be honest, blogging is not important for business unless you have a way for your blog visitors to convert into contacts or leads – meaning capturing names, email addresses, phone numbers, or any other type of personal or contact information.

Therefore, you need clear calls to action on your blog that ask your readers to: subscribe, download a free ebook, schedule a consultation, download a coupon, etc.

This is the link that directly connects your blogging efforts to your ability to generate leads and sales. Its all about the calls to action.

Step 3: Create calls to action on all your blog posts that are relevant to the article, giving your readers a strong incentive to convert to a contact.

Insight 4: Use the intelligence you collect from your blog to generate customers.

Once a visitor lands on your blog and becomes a contact, you can get a great idea of what type of person they are, what their problems are and how you can further solve them.

You can nurture your contacts into leads and customers by sending them more relevant content based on their now apparent wants and needs.

For example, if someone searches for “why is social media important for business”, then they subscribe, then download a free ebook about redesigning a business website, you know that they are doing research about creating a really effective digital presence.

You can then offer them the opportunity to have a free consultation about creating a digital marketing strategy. Here, you can assess their needs and see if you are a good match to do business together.

Once you get good matches, they become customers, and you can put a monetary value on your blog by seeing how many customers were generated from each post.

Step 4: Analyze the website history of your blog readers and send them more great content until they want to chat or buy something. Don’t push or annoy them, just keep providing value until they are ready.

Knowing about these insights is essential to understand why blogging is important for business. Now you know how to make it an effective tool for your own company. Don”t forget to subscribe to get more articles about modern business and digital marketing!

The Top Ten Ranked Programming Languages in 2015

What are the most popular programming languages? The only honest answer: It depends. Are you trying to land a job at a hot mobile app startup, model electricity flows across a continent, or create an electronic art project? Languages are tools, and what’s a “must have” in one domain can be a “whatever” in another. So for the second year in a row, IEEE Spectrum has given a popularity ranking that you can adjust to meet your own needs.

The ranking system is driven by weighting and combining 12 metrics from 10 data sources. They believe these sources—such as the IEEE Xplore digital library, GitHub, and CareerBuilder—are good proxies for the popularity of 48 languages along a number of different dimensions. The weighting of these sources can be adjusted in our interactive Web app to give, say, more importance to languages that have turned up in job ads. Filters can be applied so that you can see only languages relevant to mobile or embedded development, for example. (Access to the Web app is US $0.99.)

They put a number of preset weightings into the app for convenience; the default is the IEEE Spectrum ranking, with weights chosen to broadly represent the interests of IEEE members, and here are this year’s top 10 languages from that weighting. (The column on the left is the 2015 ranking; the column on the right is the 2014 ranking for comparison.)


The big five—Java, C, C++, Python, and C#—remain on top, with their ranking undisturbed, but C has edged to within a whisper of knocking Java off the top spot. The big mover is R, a statistical computing language that’s handy for analyzing and visualizing big data, which comes in at sixth place. Last year it was in ninth place, and its move reflects the growing importance of big data to a number of fields. A significant amount of movement has occurred further down in the rankings, as languages like Go, Perl, and even Assembly jockey for position.

A few languages have dropped off the rankings compared with last year’s. Mostly this is due to an insufficient presence in this year’s data to justify keeping them in. But in one case, an entry was dropped because that is to be accepted as with comments on last year’s ranking that said we had made a mistake in categorizing it as a language rather than just a framework. This was ASP.NET, and we had originally included it because of the pragmatic approach to the definition of programming language—a lack of Turing completeness is not an absolute bar, and we make no apologies for including things like HTML—but they were too broad on that one.

A number of languages have entered the rankings for the first time. Swift, Apple’s new language, has already gained enough traction to make a strong appearance despite being released only 13 months ago. Cuda is another interesting entry—it’s a language created by graphics chip company Nvidia that’s designed for general-purpose computing using the company’s powerful but specialized graphics processors, which can be found in many desktop and mobile devices.





I am writing this up to thank some people for seeing the Entrepreneurial talent in me and promote me to enter into this world.

I had an idea in my mind for a pretty long time but wasn’t working on it due to a lack of thrust or telling me that I can do this. It happens sometimes that someone needs to tell you that you can do this although you very well are aware of the fact that you certainly can do this.

I still remember when a teacher of mine “Mr. Ramesh Sahoo” who had been teaching me for quite some time though wasn’t aware of this that I also had an idea still asked to join ECell of my college by quoting this line “If you don’t have an idea now don’t worry, just join.” I filled up the form went through two rounds of screening which were conducted by my ECell Coach “Mr. S R Mustafa.”

I still remember October’27 2015 was the date when we were finally selected in the team and a final meeting with the Vice President of my college and after the meeting, met the President who is the founder of #Payioo, “Mr. Paritosh Vatsal Tripathi” who gave me the final push to try and submit my idea in any of the competitions that keep happening every year. He told me that he knew about me through “Mr. Hitesh Goel” co-founder of “Payioo”,  as he has been in touch in earlier times, this person is such a gem of a person, such a humble person, so down to earth that he’ll never utter a word about what he knows and will never boast about what he is capable of. I respect this person a lot and feel this a privilege to work with you anywhere.

Last but not the least I would like to mention two names that are “Mr. Tushar Kumar” and “Mr. Samriddha Prajapati” who worked selflessly for this project of mine for designing and coding so that this could work out and look out great.

Today, “Dreamride” by “Corporate Pirates” is en route to be launched within sometime.

CORPORATE PIRATES is a team of four members: –

  1. Akshay Garg
  2. Mayank Saini
  3. Vijay Tiwari
  4. Kartikey Chawla

I whole-heartedly show gratitude to all the above mentioned persons who directly or indirectly pushed me to work on my idea.