Road To Be Taken(Student to Entrepreneur)

Student time is the best time to become Entrepreneur,
a college student has the enthusiasm that can not be matched with any other phase of the life.


Everyone should agree that
students life is always full of problemsagreed??)
students time is the best time when you can take risks( agreed??)
students life is full of aspirations(agreed??)
students have the capability to change the society(agreed??)
As per definition of entrepreneurship:
“Its just an aspiration to identify problems, take some risks, and change the society with your solution”.
but the job is not easy isn’t it??
The problem is that most good business ideas
are hidden. If you seek business ideas directly
they will often remain hidden. The trick is that
you need to know what to look for.
So as you begin to
think about compelling new business
ideas, none are more important to consider than
those related to your areas of passion.
If you’re going to invest the long hours it
takes to plan and successfully run a new
business it is absolutely critical that you are
passionate and excited about the business
concept you ultimately embrace. Your passion
naturally translates into every aspect of your business.
Surely this job is not very difficult, in fact, it is a fun, Albert Einstein also said about creativity i.e Your area of passion


1) To identify some of your top areas of passion, write your answers to the following questions in
the AREAS OF PASSION section below:
• How do you like to spend your weekends?
• If your rich grandfather unknowingly wrote you a check for rs 50,000,000 how would you then spend
your time? (after any initial travel & shopping sprees are done)
• What kind of magazines do you like to read & what type of websites do you like to visit?

2) As you think about each area of passion (and the products and services related to each area of
passion), write your answer to the following question in the PROBLEM POINTS notepad with two sections as:
1. Area of passion  2. Problem



3) Circle your top FIVE most painful pain points & label them numbers 1 to 5.

4) Now try to figure out the way an entrepreneur can approach to the FIVE problems, and note them.
5) Now its time for rating your approach, yes, rate your approach as poor, average, excellent.
Each of these points & solutions are actually customer needs
and business ideas. For each of these business ideas ask yourself the following key questions:
a. Does my idea resolve an important customer problem?
b. Does my idea sound exciting to me?
c. Does my idea offer a key advantage for customers over existing products or services
available? (You should search the internet to see what similar ideas may already exist.)
d. Now rate your top solution for each pain point above. The best (Wow!) ideas must
resolve a major customer problem, sound exciting to you, and offer a key advantage
over existing products or services available. Otherwise rate it lower.
e. Discuss your idea with a trusted friend. Does your friend agree with your rating? Ask
your friend “how can I improve upon this idea?” then update your idea accordingly.
6) You now have several new business ideas you can revisit, update, and strengthen. Circle the top new business ideas in your list.

This is the way we can start a new ROAD TO BE TAKEN by others.

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